© Copyright 2017 -2023 Forests From Farms

Brimstone  - Gonepteryx rhamni

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More information about this butterfly on this site:
During the year 2022 we monitored the presence of butterflies on the land of Forests From Farms. 

Our observations regarding the Brimstone: 

  • This butterfly was very difficult to spot. Only when it sat down on a flower we could identify it.  
  • We photographed the Brimstone (both males) in April and July. 
  • We found them feeding on a Lilac bush in April and on thistles in July. 
First photographed on 11 April 2022
Photographs of 7 July 2022

The Brimstone in 2023 on Facebook

The Brimstone in 2024 on Facebook

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